Prespective.... Changes the entire way you look @ things...

<--- Look at this image, What do you see the person is doing ?? He is for sure Climbing a mountain, Firstly is it a HE or SHE ? and then, Is he/she half way up or half way down ? Keep the answer to yourself, But i am not sure, if our answers are in sync..

A moment we all enjoy, The light shade of sun, but looking at this image, do we know if the sun is dimming upon us or is it just going to be any brighter ?? In short, Can i call this as a Sunrise or is it a sunset ?? ---->

What does these images have in common ? No, am not really pointing towards the image of SUN, I've nothing to do with solar energy at the moment. But the only thing common between the two is each one of is, our prespective to look at things.

We are so big think tanks, We usually analyse much more than what we are really supposed to.! A gesture from a stranger too is at times enough for us to starting thinking a little more! This is such a common thing now., We meet different people at our work place, while travelling, Few of us get close as friends, and when their prespective doesn't match ours, the issue begins.

Mathematicaly, Only PLUS and PLUS can be PLUS, or it has to be MINUS and MINUS that makes a PLUS. Now off maths, We are humans and stumble in findings of these pluses and minuses. Although we try to look at something with the same prespective that your buddy looks at, you may not find it on the success list all the while, In that case, if u're buddy is good enough, ask him/her to look at the thing in your way, If it clicks, you're in a Sync..

But why all these gyaan ? You have a best way out., TO EACH ONE THEIR OWN, we can end up saying this., How does my prespective matter to you ? It does matter..., because behind different prespectives, there's only ONE TRUTH.

Your way of looking at a single thing does not change the truth itself. When I say "I HATE YOU", It also means that I DONT LOVE YOU, but the truth is its just not limited to I DONT LOVE YOU, but i mean a step further. Now back to those Images, Those who said that was a sunset, I am sorry to say that, i got that result on search for "Sunrise", Now to those who said, the person is he or she, i've no clue.... Nor do i have a clue if he/she is half way up and half way down.

I'm stumped...! Does this theorotically mean that we dont have an answer to everything we see ? The best of people have failed in giving the simplest of answers.... only then probably... "To Err is human and to forgive is divine." Divine may or maynot forgive, but i hope atleast we human can forgive for possibly everything.

However, in cases as such, when you get the same answers on adding and subtracting, try adding or subtracting it again..., you're answer is likely to be validated.

See you... Till next time.,


Sandhya said...

What is it with you man??? All of a sudden so much philosophy and stuff?

Were you drunk when you wrote that post? I thought your blog would be a compilation of all things happy and what am I reading here?

You okay???

Dhinu! said...

Hey Sandy,

Am good, it was just your prespective of looking @ it that makes you feel like this... :-)